Network size | Price per month |
/25 (124 addresses) | ≈ $87.77 7680 ₽ |
/24 (252 addresses) | ≈ $146.29 12800 ₽ |
/23 (508 addresses) | ≈ $292.57 25600 ₽ |
/22 (1020 addresses) | ≈ $585.14 51200 ₽ |
IP addresses for rent
LIR services | Price |
ASN Registration in RIPE | ≈ $120 10500 ₽ |
Sponsored ASN (2025) | ≈ $120/year 10500 ₽ |
Independent Internet number resource assignment (PI inetnum) | ≈ $180/year 15750 ₽ |
To order an IP network, create a ticket to the sales department.
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